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Frequently Asked Questions



What is required to join the IJRR?

作为协会成员的医生需要参与研究 and education; they must also meet certain minimum educational and practice criteria. 这些标准有很多因素可以帮助医生确定 致力于关节置换术的实践、研究和教育.

具体来说,医生必须进行至少150次关节置换术 per year. 买球网站认为这是可以达到的最低限度 credibly justified under the goals of the Institute. If doing the math, 为了达到最低标准,医生必须完成2项手术.88 joint replacements per week. This is a modest requirement given the goals of the Institute. The volume requirement is also based on clear evidence 更高的容量与患者预后的改善有关. Improved 患者的结果可以转化为患者住院时间的缩短和改善 recovery. 缩短了病人的住院时间,改善了康复 政府和纳税人所说的帮助到底是必要的吗 reduce federal health care spending.

此外,参与的医生必须完成75%的关节活动 replacements at Washington Hospital. This requirement helps assure proper 研究方案的控制,这在进行研究时是必不可少的.

Who is currently a member of the IJRR?

Currently, there are four physicians, Dr. John Dearborn, Dr. Alexander Sah, Dr. John Costouros, and Dr. Bryant Bonner who are part of the Institute for Joint Restoration and Research. Their devotion to the practice of 通过关节置换和承诺改善患者的预后 研究和教育使买球网站医院得以成功 execute this world-class Institute.

骨科医生不希望参加协会或 不符合资格的人士可否继续提供关节置换服务 at Washington Hospital. Neither their medical staff membership nor their clinical privileges are impacted. Their patients have their procedures 在同一医院的手术室进行手术,接受相同的标准 由同样高素质的护士提供护理和康复 team that staff the Institute. As a matter of fact, non-Institute patients 也受益于临床研究的成果 from our Institute and other like programs.

有多少骨科医生做(髋关节和/或膝关节)关节置换术 Surgery at Washington?

Other than Drs. 迪尔伯恩和萨,现在还有五位外科医生 在买球网站医院做关节置换术,另外两个是 现在正在做关节置换手术的人的特权 at another hospital. The five active surgeons together perform an average of two joint replacements a week.

What about surgeons who choose not to join the IJRR?

骨科医生不希望参加协会或 不符合资格的人士可否继续提供关节置换服务 at Washington Hospital. Neither their medical staff membership nor their clinical privileges are impacted. Their patients have their procedures 在同一医院的手术室进行手术,接受相同的标准 由同样高素质的护士提供护理和康复 team that staff the Institute. As a matter of fact, non-Institute patients 也受益于临床研究的成果 来自我们学院和全国其他类似的项目.


没有参与IJRR的医生的患者会收到 同样的术前护理测试,他们的程序在 同样的医院手术室,接受同样标准的护理 由同样高素质的护士和康复团队负责 the Institute. After surgery, patients will be placed on the 6th floor 在买球网站医院的私人病房或其他私人病房 在医院其他地方提供同样标准的护理.

进入关节置换中心大楼是自动的 对于IJRR患者,但通常是非参与医生的患者 recover on the 6th floor of Washington Hospital. Space in the Center for 非IJRR患者的关节置换术是考虑的 rooms are available and needed.

Doesn't this create a “two-tiered” system of care?

No. IJRR的实施提供了一种不同的联合方法 replacement care; there are not different tiers of care. Patients, as 作为医生,可以选择参与最好的治疗 suits their needs and/or situation.

Can the admission criteria be changed?

就像任何新方法一样,买球网站医院将继续下去 评估标准并根据患者需求进行调整, 以医生和工作人员的最佳利益提供护理质量 以及买球网站医院买球网站系统的经济健康.

IJRR和门诊有什么区别 located in the building?

除了研究所之外,医院还有一个1206(d)诊所 is located in the new building. The clinic is a department of the hospital 并允许组织有一个受控的门诊环境 that supports the research goals of the Institute. Because the clinic 医院的一个部门,政策和程序是确定的吗 医院和诊所的工作人员都是由买球网站直接雇用的 Hospital. 这类专科诊所的典型情况是,医院需要 提供专业医疗服务的医师或医师团体 to its patients. A professional service agreement was established with 迪尔伯恩Sah联合修复研究所提供医疗服务 to clinic patients. The clinic is not a private practice of Drs. Dearborn 和Sah,因为他们为他们提供的专业服务买单 设施费用和任何辅助服务,如 as radiology and lab services.


Medi-Cal patients are seen at the clinic. There is confusion about this 因为目前医生提供的是专业服务 do not have a Medi-Cal contract. When Medi-Cal patients seek care at the 诊所,医生与Medi-Cal协商提供服务 those patients that need to have surgery.


IJRR在两个非常重要的方面使地区受益:首先,它提供 就在我们的后院享受世界一流的护理和创新. 其次,因为该研究所也是一个吸引患者的区域性项目 from outside the District. By caring for patients from outside of the 地区,该项目为医院从外部创造收入 为医院的底线做出了积极贡献 以及提供满足社区需求的其他项目和服务的能力 medical and health care needs.

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